How to fix a car without a mechanical

How to fix a car without a mechanic. Have you had problems with your car? When problems occur with a vehicle, can be painful to pay a mechanic. If you do not have the knowledge necessary to repair your car, here are some ways to get it repaired, without having to pay a mechanic to do it.


  1. Find a friend or family member who knows how to repair cars, even if you just need minor repairs, such as an oil change. It is likely that at least they can tell you what is wrong. It will always be cheaper than a mechanic.
  2. Show by your partner’s family and friends to see if there is someone who can help.
  3. Go to the auto parts store, if you’re still having problems. Sometimes, they can tell you if something is going wrong less. They can even get you to fill fluids, to show where they go and only charge you for the liquids.
  4. Make the shop worker check the parts of the car and tell you what you need to replace. If they are not too busy, sometimes you get to be your car and install the smaller parts or show you how to do it yourself. This will depend on the person. Not your policy to repair your car.
  5. Shop manuals, rendered take them from the library or look online to find how to fix the parts when you know what the problem is.
  6. Go online and ask the advice of a mechanic about what might be going wrong, if you know what the problem is. They usually charge you for this advice. But if you’re mechanically inclined and will not have to pay for labor, only parts and advice. Some websites even offer free help.

Tips and Warnings

  • If you let an employee at the auto parts store you fill or fix anything, make sure you know in advance what they will charge.
  • Make sure anyone who works on your car is ready to cover your expenses if you break something. Typically, this means they know what they are doing. Try to get this in writing, if possible.
  • If you have to buy the parts and install them yourself, consult a junkyard first. They usually have cheaper parts. Make sure you have a warranty. If you do not have a warranty, make sure you do not buy pieces with holes where they should not be. Everything you need a band or belt must buy it elsewhere because usually spend time.
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